Education for Employment

Getting learners job ready, not just degree ready

Millions of people are un- or under-employed, while at the same time, millions of jobs remain unfilled. With this reality, there is a clear gap between the skills individuals have and the skills employers seek.

For many, education is the surest path to pursue their employment aspiration, improve their lives and achieve their dreams. However, those who seek to improve their lives through education face a fundamental challenge: acquiring the job ready skills needed to achieve their employment goals – as quickly and affordably as possible – to get on a path to a better life.

Cengage Group is addressing this challenge by reinventing education toward Education for Employment. We are shifting reliance on the traditional multi-year degree model as the sole path to employment, toward an employment-first model where learners find the shortest path to meaningful employment based on their aspiration.

The shift toward skills-based education, due to the time commitment and cost compared to traditional two- and four-year degree programs, is exploding. Learners, employers and governments want to enable upskilling and reskilling for today’s workforce.

Education for Employment is imperative to address the inequities within the current system, including:

  • Degree stigma
  • Access to affordable, quality education
  • Normalizing the pursuit of certificates, badges and other shorter duration programs that help individuals develop employable skills in a flexible, real-time manner

Our brands support learners in developing skills and capabilities toward their employment aspiration. To learn more, read about what we do.


Education For Employment