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Charlotte E.

Head of Strategic & Digital Marketing - EMEA ELT

“Our content brings the world to the classroom and shows students they have the power to change our future.”

"I’ve been working in English Language Teaching my entire career, but I was drawn to National Geographic Learning and Cengage Group because of the difference we make to our students, to the teachers and to our collective future. My team supports the sales teams and allows our customers to get the best out of our English Language Teaching materials. It’s inspiring to be part of a forward-thinking company, one that is constantly evolving and improving. There’s a real willingness to pivot and try new things when the circumstances require.

I’m proud to co-lead our Green Employee Resource Group. We work to support improvements in our company’s environmental footprint as we do business and to share knowledge and educate colleagues about how they as individuals can lessen their impact on their environment. I recently studied with the University of Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership, and I wanted to translate what I had learned and put that back into Cengage Group."


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