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Pooja R.

Manager, Software Quality Assurance

“Before studying engineering, I wanted to be a teacher. My role at Cengage Group offers the perfect confluence.”

"I think it was destiny for me to work at Cengage Group. Before studying engineering, I wanted to be a teacher. I adore educators and am very passionate about the education field. Working as a Quality Assurance lead, I help ensure students and educators have access to high-quality online educational products. So, my role offers me the perfect confluence. Cengage Group is a leader in the education technology space and I’m proud to be a part of that.

I love the culture and the transparency that my managers and leaders bring to the table at Cengage Group. I have felt supported and inspired and I wanted to be able to do that for others, so I became a co-lead for our Women in Technology (WiT) Employee Resource Group. WiT’s goal is to promote a culture that supports and empowers women and people of gender minorities. Through shared practical insights, networking opportunities and mentoring, we help inspire women and allies to learn, grow and achieve their professional goals with confidence." 

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