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Sherrise R.

Senior Director, Editorial

“The content we create makes a profound difference in a student’s life.”

“After college I spent time teaching international students, and it was during this experience that I saw firsthand how learning English provides students with increased social access, the ability to be a global citizen and a path to a brighter future. I truly felt I was making a difference in their lives. My work at National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage, gives me that same feeling, but on a much bigger scale—supporting thousands of students and educators across the globe.

“It is incredibly motivating to work for a company that is mission driven. As part of the National Geographic Learning team, I focus on developing new ways to approach language learning to meet the needs of our customers around the world. Our teams don’t just provide lessons on vocabulary and grammar—we create learning experiences that are relevant and meaningful in the context of our world today. Not only that, but with the ever-changing nature of our digital-first world, we are always optimizing the digital experience for students, teachers and institutions.”

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