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Lela W.

Director, Go To Market Operations

“Exceeding industry standards and meeting our customers’ needs are my top priorities.”

“I didn’t follow a straight path in arriving at my career in education. Starting as a chiropractor, I was always passionate about the educational element of patient care, and knew education was key to a healthier self. So, while not traditional or typical, transitioning to education technology was a perfect match for my personality, skills and desire to make a difference.

“As part of the technical product management team at Cengage, we take our responsibility as data stewards very seriously and strive every day to offer our customers a platform that is reliable, secure and easy to use. In my role, I engage with various stakeholders and engineering teams to define requirements and deliver solutions that achieve these goals. Cengage encourages an environment where creative ideas are the foundation of solutions. Accomplishments and strengths are celebrated, and goal achievement is encouraged. ‘Do more together’ is more than a line in an ethos statement. It is a reality.”

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